**ADOPTED** Snickers - Female - Brown Lab Mix - Born Feb' 2010 (CIHAH#10.0502)


Snickers is a baby Lab mix just rescued from a WV kill shelter just in the nick of time. Her and her sister and 2 brothers were lucky and have foster parents around Baltimore taking good care of them.

She is a heartbreaker, loves to snuggle, cuddle and just be held. She also enjoys laying on the front stoop sunbathing with her sister. She is very subservient towards her sister and other dogs and will go great if you have a dog that is an alpha.

We have exposed her to cats, children and other dogs; all with great success. If she is with her sister however, she will bark harmlessly at passing by dogs.

She is crate-trained already, and is working on walking with a leash and harness. She will whimper when she has to go out if in her crate, but starts sniffing around if allowed to run free in the house. With that said, I cannot say shes housebroken yet, but she is very close.

She enjoys chewing on toys, but already understands the words "No" and "Leave It", although she will give you a mild guilt trip with those sad brown eyes when told "No". We are also teaching her sign language along with her commands, in case she ends up with an owner that is deaf or disabled.

This girl is a cuddler. She really likes to sit on the couch with you and enjoy a good pet. Both pups are really mellow dogs, not the typical puppy-hyper you'd expect. She's also incredibly gentle and loving.


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