**ADOPTED** Gracie - Female - Shepard / Lab Mix (cihah#10.0609)

Grace is a very special girl. She's a Shepard / lab mix pup, about four months old. Gracie and her brother Hopper were rescued from a very abusive situation. Gracie is very timid and frightened of people. This little girl needs extra love and attention. She likes to be held, but still gets jumpy when you go to pick her up. We are currently working on teaching her basic commands, as well as to trust and love. Will you be the special home that Gracie needs?

Update on Gracie: every day she comes out of her shell just a little bit more and most recently has start to play and jump around with our Westie, Yuki. She's friendly towards cats, walking up and sniffing our two chubby kitties, Ellie and Jade. Gracie has shown no aggression towards any animal or people since her arrival in our home. She whines when she needs to go out, and is still nervous if you approach her, but merely shies away rather than become aggressive. We're starting to see a silly and playful personality that needs just a little more coaxing.


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