**ADOPTED** Raven - Female - American Terrier Mix (cihah#10.0611)

Raven is a 6 week old American Terrier mix pup. She's a very sweet girl who loves to run and play. She hops around a lot during playtime, her little legs just not big enough for her excitement level. She's a very good cuddler as well, and she'd rather be in your lap than anywhere else. She's a gentle girl, and she loves other animals, even cats!

Currently Raven is working on becoming housebroken. She was born in captivity so this is the first time she's been in a home and she's doing really well. She needs lots of chew toys because she's still teething but she already knows not to chew furniture. She's a people dog, she doesn't like to be too far from her person so be prepared to pay lots of attention to her. She loves to give kisses and hugs and she's a very good napper.

**ADOPTED** Goldie - Female - Walker hound - Born Feb' 2010 (cihah#10.0612)

This is not our dog, but in our network. Was dropped at the shelter with her litter mates, and rescued and brought to Baltimore. She is now 14-16 weeks old and adorable. She is friendly with kids, cats and dogs. Call 443-756-7553 for details.

**ADOPTED** K'baa - Female - American Terrier Mix (cihah#10.0608)

K'baa is a 5 month old pit puppy with a great personality. She's already mastered some basic commands like "come", "leave it", "no" and "stay", she's great on a leash and she loves to play with other animals. She's a very sweet girl who will rest her head on your lap or curl up next to you for some snuggles. She's very playful with a lot of energy and loves the outdoors.

She's not aggressive and even allows our cats to attack her tail while she lays on her back.

She has a beautiful shiny coat that mostly black with a white belly, and some white splattering on her paws. She has a white spot on the back of her neck which we have decided is an angel kiss, giving her the name "Kissed By An Angel".

**ADOPTED** Bink - Female - Black Lab/Boxer Mix (CIHAH#10.0604)

Bink is the (literally) little sister of Diddles. While they share a birthday, Bink looks to be about 4 weeks younger. She's got little legs and a great big heart. This tiny pup loves to snuggle into your lap, give you kisses and fall asleep in your arms.

She is quite playful and has big soulful eyes which just make you want to spoil her rotten. She's all black with a smooth shiny coat. She has an excellent appetite, but a bit of Goldfish Syndrome so she needs to have her food monitored until she's a bit older.
